mp3_filelist |
This class provides some methods for handling playlists when setting up online radio. It's a helper class for mp3_radio.
The name of the directory, where the music in mp3 format resides.
The format of the line-break. Could be ``\r\n'' for win32, ``\n'' for Unix/Linux or ``\r'' (Mac).
The name of the playlist file.
The name of the file storing last served filename.
List of all the files residing in the mp3_filelist::MP3_DIR directory when the request came.
Old filelist
New filelist. See the description of the mp3_filelist::create_new_filelist method
Creates a list of all music files currently in the mp3_filelist::MP3_DIR directory. Now working only with the mp3 files.
Opens old filelist from the mp3_filelist::MP3_LIST file, then compares it to the mp3_filelist::raw_filelist. Places the intersection at the beginning and appends to its end a list of files added since previous call. This creates FIFO-like queue of mp3's. Then saves it.
mp3_filelist |